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Paul Hill

Paul Hill on Harmonising Change Through Hypnotherapy

By Paul Hill

Owner of Everyday Hypnotherapy For Everyday People

“Turning your don’t into do and can’t into can” is the philosophy of Paul Hill, a simple strapline that has a deep meaning for the hundreds of people that he has helped with his hypnotherapy skills. 

Paul has been a hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner for over 15 years, a profession that was prompted by his own mental health suffering after 25 years as a mortgage broker and many business and personal highs and lows.  

With his open, heartfelt, and honest approach, Paul has changed the lives of over 800 people through the versatility of hypnosis, NLP and the Blast technique.

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What's your motivator?

The driver is that I have a skill set that I believe can help many, many people. When people leave my therapy room, and I know there's been a change, I know that I've changed their lives with what I do. I allow my peacock feathers to come up and I have a proud moment because I love seeing instant change in people's lives from something that's been holding them back for years. It's an incredible and quite often emotional experience for both them and me and I cannot express how good it makes me feel about being me.
As well as helping people with things like habits and fears, I’m also a specialist in trauma and PTSD. People tend to associate PTSD with frontline and emergency services affected by big traumas, but it can also be smaller traumas like bullying when someone was younger. Quite often, people don't realise that the reason that they're not being successful in an element of their adult life is because something happened to them when they were younger. I help people get rid of the emotions that they attach to a traumatic event.

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What three words describe your style?

Honest, candid, and fun.

When people come and see me, there’s no incense burning or whale song in the background and I can be quite un-PC, but I’m always completely honest with people and we can and do have a laugh in therapy sessions.

What’s on your bucket list?

I’ve had a hankering to go to Japan since I was about five years old, there’s something about the Japanese culture that I find captivating.

What’s your go-to way to switch off?

I love to cook. Although I’m not sure my wife likes me to cook, she enjoys the outcome but hates the mess that I leave behind in the kitchen!

I’m also a Freemason, and I do a lot of charity work.

If I just want to chillax, I enjoy a good action-adventure movie.

"I love seeing instant change in people's lives from something that's been holding them back for years."

Paul Hill, Owner of Everyday Hypnotherapy For Everyday People

What is your favourite movie?

There are two groups of action-adventure movies that my wife and I watch, over and over, again. One is the Bourne trilogy, and the other one is John Wick: it’s proper escapism.

What’s a helpful piece of Mental Health advice?

I’m very big into visualisation and breathing techniques to create positive mental images or using your breath to calm you down.

During COVID we all lost control of being able to do day-to-day things and that led me to think that the only control you’ve actually got is what goes on in your head, and if you get that under control, then the possibilities are endless.

"The only control you've actually got is what goes on in your head, and if you get that under control, then the possibilities are endless."

Paul Hill, Owner of Everyday Hypnotherapy For Everyday People